Verilog Code for 1010 Mealy FSM Sequence Detector non-overlappingmodule mealy1010non (inp,clk,rst,y);
- Sequence Detector Examples
- Sequence Detector 1101 Vhdl Code
- Sequence Detector 1100 State Diagram
- Sequence Detector 11011 Verilog Code
- Moore State Diagram
The detector with overlap allowed begins with the final 11 of the previous sequence as ready to be applied as the first 11 of the next sequence; the next bit it is looking for is the 0. Here is an overview of the design procedure for a sequential circuit. Sequence detector 1101 December 4, 2020 Leave a comment Travel Trailer Rental, Great Value Corn Starch, 16 Oz, Townhomes For Rent Woodbridge, Va, How To Tell If Bertoia Diamond Chair Is Real, Stihl Bg86c Vacuum Kit, Russian Sage Wilting, Circuits And Electronics Pdf.
/*A verilog module for 1010mealy non-overlapping FSM */input inp,clk,rst;
output reg y;
reg [1:0] current,next;
parameter first = 2'b00,
second = 2'b01,
third = 2'b10,
fourth = 2'b11;
always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst)
if (rst)
current <= first;
current <= next;
always @ (current or inp)
case (current)
first: if (inp 1)
next = second;
y = 0;
next = current;
y = 0;
second: if (inp 0)
next = third;
y = 0;
end Star wars digital wall clock.
next = current;
y = 0;
third: if (inp 1)
next = fourth;
y = 0;
next = first;
y = 0;
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fourth: if (inp 0 )
y= 1;
next = first;
//y = 1;
next = second;
y = 0;
default: next = first;
Sequence Detector Example
Sequence detector checks binary data bit stream and generates a signal when particular sequence is detected. The figure below presents the block diagram for sequence detector.Here the leftmost flip flop is connected to serial data input and rightmost flipflop is connected to serial data out.Clock is applied to transfer the data.Sequence generated doesn't get lost as it is fed back again as serial input to fill the register.Thus for any n bit long sequence to be generated for this configuration we need to store the sequence in an n bit shift register.
- Phone unlocking
- Digital communication system
- Remote Control
So far we have learnt the basic mechanism behind sequence detector and how it works,now let us discuss about design part.Design part sarts with input and output specification and ends with circuit diagram having sequential and combinatorial parts.Input and output specifications can be converted into state transtion diagram or ASM chart followed by state synthesis table and excitation table for flip flops and then generating design through K-map.There are two approaches for state transtion diagram
- Moore model
Sequence Detector Examples
- Mealy model
Here we will not go in details of these model as you can study from your text book or from internet but we will try to develop state transition diagram for 110 sequence detector using mealy model. State transition diagram is shown below
Sequence Detector 1101 Vhdl Code
In the above diagram input and output is in XY format respectively.The circuit is intialized with state S0,if it receives X=0 it stays at S0 else goes to S1 that indicate that first bit is detected .At S1 if it receives 1 it goes to S2 and output remains is Y=0 in both cases.In state S1 if it receives X=0 then output Y=1 hence all the three bit pattern has been received,if at state S2 X=1 then the sequence received is 111 and output Y=0.Here is the test bench for Sequence Detector
Sequence Detector 1100 State Diagram
In the above verilog code we have defined states by equivalent binary number through keyword parameter.In the design part we have used three always block.First always block does state change at positive edge of clock when reset is low.Second always block decides what will be the next state when current input and current state is provided.Third always block decides the output for input and current state. In the testbench part we have tried to test the circuit by giving X=01011001101 for 110 detection.We can view the waveform as shown below
Sequence Detector 11011 Verilog Code
In the above waveform we will get y=1 at 60 sec and 100 sec according to testbench.Here input is from right if from left ,011 detection is performed.- Phone unlocking
- Digital communication system
- Remote Control
So far we have learnt the basic mechanism behind sequence detector and how it works,now let us discuss about design part.Design part sarts with input and output specification and ends with circuit diagram having sequential and combinatorial parts.Input and output specifications can be converted into state transtion diagram or ASM chart followed by state synthesis table and excitation table for flip flops and then generating design through K-map.There are two approaches for state transtion diagram
- Moore model
Sequence Detector Examples
- Mealy model
Here we will not go in details of these model as you can study from your text book or from internet but we will try to develop state transition diagram for 110 sequence detector using mealy model. State transition diagram is shown below
Sequence Detector 1101 Vhdl Code
In the above diagram input and output is in XY format respectively.The circuit is intialized with state S0,if it receives X=0 it stays at S0 else goes to S1 that indicate that first bit is detected .At S1 if it receives 1 it goes to S2 and output remains is Y=0 in both cases.In state S1 if it receives X=0 then output Y=1 hence all the three bit pattern has been received,if at state S2 X=1 then the sequence received is 111 and output Y=0.Here is the test bench for Sequence Detector
Sequence Detector 1100 State Diagram
In the above verilog code we have defined states by equivalent binary number through keyword parameter.In the design part we have used three always block.First always block does state change at positive edge of clock when reset is low.Second always block decides what will be the next state when current input and current state is provided.Third always block decides the output for input and current state. In the testbench part we have tried to test the circuit by giving X=01011001101 for 110 detection.We can view the waveform as shown below